Thomas Cassingham (Sr.) Citizenship Oath (16 Dec 1823)
"Personally appeared in open Court Thomas Cassingham and [illegible], that he was born in the County of Kent in the Kingdom of Great Britain, in the year 1777 and that he emigrated thence, and arrived at the City of Baltimore on the 26th of October 1818 and that he immediately removed to the this County of Muskingum and State of Ohio, where he has ever since that time resided, and that at the time of his arrival in the United States he had six sons born in the Kingdom of Great Britain all of whom he brought with him to the United States and who have also resided with him in the said Muskingum County, to wit, Thomas aged 16 years at that time, Richard aged 15, James aged 9 years, George 7, John aged 5, and Henry aged 3 years and the said Thomas Cassingham makes oath that it is bona fide his intention to become a citizen of the United States, and to renounce [illegible] all allegiance and fidelity to every [illegible] Prince, potentate, State and Sovereignty whatever and particularly all allegiance and fidelity to George the fourth King of the United Kingdom of great Britain and Ireland of whom he is now a subject - "Sworn to and subscribed before me the 16th of December 1823. Ezekiel T. Cox, Clerk. "Thos. Cassingham his X mark" [Transcription courtesy of Paul J. Cassingham.]
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